Who we are?

We initiated our quarter century of experience in the private education sector in 2014 by establishing a corporate structure to meet the common needs of the education sector. Bringing together both national and international stakeholders has allowed us to accumulate unique knowledge, forming our strongest asset.

Edu Network operates as a leader shaping education investments at the K-12 and university levels. Simultaneously, it stands as a global education platform that has successfully brought together Türkiye’s largest and the world’s most prestigious educational institutions under one roof.

Our Mission

Bringing together all stakeholders in the national and international education sector under one roof to disseminate this vast experience, knowledge, products, and services to individuals and institutions in the education industry.

Our Vision

To establish a reliable education network that holds a prominent position in both national and international education arenas, influencing both the public and private sectors, as the largest and most prestigious education platform.

Our References